Palace Luxury Limousine

Web Design, Marketing & Creative


Palace Luxury Limousine is Dubai-based luxury chauffeur service, offering VIP travel-based services to the world's elite.

Designing A Brand That Spells "Luxury"

The team behind Palace Luxury Limousine approached me before they launched, asking for help with their branding & bringing their vision to life. They wanted to place themselves firmly within the High-Net-Worth scene in Dubai, targeting the world's elite.

When I first sat down with the team, they expressed that they wanted to really reflect a VIP, top-level touch to the brand, so immediately we started exploring the idea of an embossed golden icon. The reason for this was the links between Dubai & Gold itself. If you've ever been to Dubai, you'll see a lot of expensive golden items around! Once I had the icon, I wanted to partner this icon with a typeface that not only represents luxury, but also represents class.

Palace Luxury Limousine Logo

Creating The Palace Website

The first focus for the site was to reflect the high-end branding that we had created. I always wanted the site to be clean, minimalistic & smooth, so that the user experience was very simple. I designed the full site offline, using Figma, and then started creating the site within a few days following approval from the team.

Taking a site from an offline design to an active, online state is usually a fairly simple process, based on the functionality that is required by the Client. In this case, the majority of the site was straightforward - however, the Client decided that they would also like an automatic booking system added to the site to allow for clear & easy bookings by customers. Although this wasn't included in the original designs, it didn't take me long to not only design this element but also create it & build it into the site using HTML & iFrame technology.

The result? A smooth & simple booking system which included a full customer portal & driver/office manager back-end system. The system allowed for customers that either want a fast process so they don't need to sign-up, or a loyalty program where they can sign-up and the company can manage communications with the customer through their personal account.

The Palace Booking System

Creative Design + Lead Generation

Once we had the site up & running, the Palace guys asked me to help them with their marketing efforts. I sat down & strategised their full campaign for launch, helping them to generate leads and build a presence in the local area. I spent time creating assets for them, spanning video & static imagery that they would be able to use moving forward.

The main focus Lead-Gen came through Search Engine Marketing. We identified that the majority of customers would be searching key phrases in the area, so I use Google's Keyword Planner to devise a plan of action for SEM & PPC. We allocated budgets & started generating leads from the word GO. In the first 30 days, we exceeded all targets that were set from initial launch, and have also helped Palace Luxury Limousine to generate enough business to start expanding their fleet, which was more than the team were hoping for!

"Honestly, we are blown away by Lewis' dedication, creativity & management of what he does. He not only helped us hit our targets in Q1 2023, he's helped us to surpass them comfortably. We're now exploring options for expansion, as we simply can't keep up with the work!"
Instagram Marketing Ad
Some Simple Stats From Our SEM


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